Swimming in Wild Waters by Kinfolk

Photo by Carissa Gallo

Photo by Carissa Gallo

Kinfolk is one of my favourite food magazines. They recently started a Kinfolk Saturdays web series which aims to give you ideas for things to do on weekends and to inspire you to try new things.

The latest episode is called Swimming in Wild Waters, filmed at Dougan Falls along the Washougal River by Andrew & Carissa Gallo of SeaChant.co.

There’s something about leaping off a cliff into untamed waters that cannot be imitated in the community pool. For one, there is an element of uncertainty. Of how you will fall, land and what lies beneath the surface of those murky waters. Chlorine has stifled and confined our ability to fully embrace the art of swimming in all its glory.

As temperatures rise, the summer season beckons us to venture out to the river’s edge and ocean’s shores. This call should not be ignored. By immersing into wild waters, you surrender to your senses. To feel that chill in your bones or moss between your bare toes, to hear a soft ripple or loud splash, to lose vision in that green-blue expanse.

In a sense swimming strips us down, tunes out the busyness of our everyday lives and provides a weightless escape. Take to the outdoors and jump in.