Happy New Year - 2023

Below are photos from my last walk of 2022 and first walk / beach swim of 2023.
Last year I went for a drive on the first day of the year, it was cloudy and rainy.

I try to end or start the year near water, it relaxes me and makes me hopeful.

Sarah Thankam Mathews’s Substack titled “Year’s End - On Resolution and Practice” talks about starting the new year near water.

On Jan 1st each year, I wish my grandmother in India for her birthday, I eat something delicious, I write down my intentions…, I try to keep my heart peaceful and clean, and most of all, I try to spend some time near water. For the last few years, I’ve bundled up and driven with a couple loved ones to walk by the ocean—Riis, Tilden, Jones Beach—on the first day of the new year.

There’s something about water, the life and death and formlessness it holds, that I want to return to on occasions of beginning or end, and each new year’s day is both. Let other mornings honor the miraculous.

I agree.