Maxence Cyrin

Maxence Cyrin spent his childhood behind a piano studying classical music. Today he does piano cover versions of rock, pop and electro songs mixed with scenes from silent movies and other classics. But let me assure you, this isn't the kind of cheesy piano covers you hear in hotel lobbies. Maxence Cyrin's interpretations are so personal and beautiful and watching them played over these movie scenes, it's a work of art. I think I'm in love.

Piano cover of The Pixies' Where is my Mind with scenes from "The Mysterious Lady" with Greta Garbo (1928).

Piano cover of Daft Punk's Around the World. I don't know the name of this movie, but this is such a glorious clip.

Piano cover of Beyonce's Crazy in Love with scenes from "Last year at Marienbad" by Alain Resnais (1961).