Louis Vuitton - City Guides

I recently posted a Louis Vuitton commercial which made me want to pack my un-Louis Vuitton looking suitcase and go on an adventure. Well, I am in Paris this week for Paris Photo and really enjoying a proper winter break. Coming from Dubai and it's almost never ending summer, I've embraced this cold season with open arms. I am also drinking lots of great coffee and hot chocolate and eating lots of yummy desserts.

Which brings me to why I have yet another Louis Vuitton related post. The latest edition of the Louis Vuitton City Guides was released recently. The guides cover the best in food, art, design and fashion in several of the world's most exciting cities. In addition to the guide books, the following videos were also created to support this latest launch. The videos feature Paris, Berlin and New York, each one exploring a unique aspect of the city. Each one is beautifully filmed and I hope more cities will be covered.

I will try to get my hands on the Paris City Guide soon and hope it leads me to new discoveries in this lovely city.