Goodbye to Choitrams in Garhoud

We recently found out our neighbourhood supermarket Choitrams will close. It was open for more than 40 years, so it was sad to hear this news.

Before the roads were numbered in Garhoud, and long before Google Maps, Choitrams was the known landmark by everyone who knew the neighbourhood, including taxi drivers. We’d always refer to it when giving directions to anyone coming to our house, or ask them to wait there for us to pick them up.

A humble supermarket that served the Garhoud community, and it closed its doors without much fanfare.

My brother took the first photo below a few days ago and saw that another supermarket brand will take its place.
I drove by it yesterday and took the second photo. The Choitrams sign is gone, but its mark is deeply etched on the wall.

Farewell Choitrams.