How I Get Dressed by Chris Floyd

I don't usually share fashion related posts, but this series called How I Get Dressed caught my attention. It features well known and well dressed men and their approach to the daily ritual of dressing directed and filmed by Chris Floyd that was commissioned by The Sunday Times Style Online.

It includes Adam Anderson and Theo Huthcraft from Hurts, Patrick Grant - the man behind Saville Row tailor Norton & Sons and recent winner of British Fashion Awards Menswear Designer of 2010 for his label E.Tautz and Joe Corre, co-founder of a menswear line called A Child of The Jago (he also co-founded Agent Provocateur but quit the label last year and here's one more fact - he's the son of Malcom McLaren and Vivian Westwood).

A man wearing a crisp white shirt, well tailored suit and polished shoes will never go out of style (and here's a confession, jackets with elbow patches is a touch that always gets my attention - I blame Carl Sagan).

Spare a few minutes to watch and listen to these gentlemen's ritual on getting dressed. It might influence you to look at the way you dress. Although some might find Joe Corre's nail polish a tad too much, and  since I'm the kind of gal that hardly gets a manicure/pedicure, I'd be inclined to agree with you.