Visual Literacy_Mistrusting Images Film Series_Juniper Mind.jpg

After programming a film series in July for an online workshop titled Visual Literacy run by Juniper Mind, the August edition of the workshop, the 3rd and final module also includes a film series programmed by me.

The workshop includes four weekly discussions on Mondays based on suggested readings, and four weekly discussions on Wednesdays based on suggested film viewing.

The theme for the 3rd module is “Mistrusting Images”.

Mistrusting Images
The final module, Mistrusting Images, fathoms the very slippery notion of “truth” in photographs, and leads participants to critically challenge our own faith in images that are so easily manipulated to (once again) ideological ends. Special attention will be given to surveillance and the COVID crisis. The corresponding film series will be curated by artist, film programmer and founder of, Hind Mezaina.

Mistrusting Images Film Series
Expanding on the photographic analysis in the workshops, the Film Series explores how truth functions on both sides of the camera. From contesting the "reality" of images that trouble individual worldviews, to the snares of filming a murder trial "objectively," these works push the boundaries of the documentary form, leading us to challenge its legacy. 

Structured around questions proposed by the moderator Hind Mezaina, the discussion groups are safe spaces of analysis, critique, and spirited, open conversation.
Film links and Zoom Meeting access will be made available upon registration

Date and Timings  for the Readings group discussion (via Zoom Meetings):
Monday 3 August, 7-9 pm GST
Monday 10 August, 7-9 pm GST
Monday 17 August, 7-9 pm GST
Monday 24 August, 7-9 pm GST

Date and Timings for the Film Series group discussion (via Zoom Meetings):

Wednesday 5 August, 7 pm GST
Disco and Atomic War (Jaak Kilmi, 2009)

Wednesday 12 August, 7 pm GST 
Captivated: The Trials of Pamela Smart (Jeremiah Zagar, 2014)

Wednesday 19 August, 7 pm GST
Bisbee '17 (Robert Greene, 2018)

Wednesday 26 August, 7 pm GST 
The Viewing Booth (Ra'anan Alexandrowicz, 2019) 

If you are interested in attending this workshop, please register here and links for the readings, the films and the meetings will be shared accordingly.

Fees: Mistrusting Images and Film Series (4 workshops and 4 discussion groups): 950 AED

About the Visual Literacy workshops:
Visual Literacy
 is about challenging our faith in images, helping participants improve how they interpret and analyse images in our current visual culture. The course is addressed to those in the business of making and manipulating images, both literally and metaphorically: artists, writers, filmmakers, architects, curators on one hand; PR specialists, branding and communications professionals, marketeers, advertising creatives on the other. Cross-pollinating these two audiences is a key ambition not just for this course, but for everything Juniper Mind does.

Visual Literacy consists of three modules: The Gaze, Images and Ideology, and Mistrusting Images. Each comprises four two-hour workshops (eight hours per module). Each module is associated to a Film Series featuring links to four films and an online discussion group per film.