Philips Livable Cities #pinyourcity Contest Winners

A couple of months a go I wrote a post about 

Philips Livable Cities #pinyourcity Contest

. The competition encouraged entrants to illustrate what makes their city livable and lovable through a series of images on Pinterest.


winners were recently announced


Out of the 250 plus entries from around the world, 25 boards were shortlisted and 10 winners were selected by a panel of judges. Curious to know how many from the Middle East took part.

Here's the list of winners. 


We saw a fantastic selection of entries in the #pinyourcity contest, but Jammin' in Johannesburg was the right winner! It shows many aspects of a city that we love - from the people that make a city, to the weather, the food and the street art. It also encapsulated the 'livable' - the accessibility, the vegetation and the beautiful city scape. This board is really inspirational and engaging, and shows a side of the city that isn't necessarily something you'd find in the average tourist guide! Rob Alderson, #pinyourcity panelist

Runners Up

More Runners Up

The Prizes included health and well-being pack worth €1000 for the winner, health and well-being packs worth €500 for the 3 runners up and health and well-being products worth €100 for 6 more runners up.